“Filantropi Untuk Pemberdayaan Umat” Talkshow

Tahir Foundation in collaboration with Gadjah Mada University and PP Muhammadiyah are developing a philanthropic program to empower people. This program will be funded by a TF of Rp. 50 billion per year or around Rp. 250 billion for five years. The program will focus on the areas of health, education and job creation. Cooperation…

Tahir Foundation Visit to Orphanage

Tahir Foundation visit 2 orphanages and held a coloring contest for children aged 8-15 years in Abigail Orphanage and Amal Wanita Orphanage. 7 (seven) winners from each orphanage will get the chance to meet and greet with Charlotte Hornets player – Marvin Williams in Mayapada Hospital, Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta. Coloring activities at Abigail Orphanage,…